Postgraduate in Teaching/Learning in English as a Foreign Language for Teachers of Basic General Education


The challenges of teaching English in the Chilean school system require the use of updated, relevant, and contextualized methodologies that allow English teachers to perform efficiently in the classroom; that is, that their students achieve the learning outcomes established in the curriculum. Specialized literature indicates that the methodological trend is increasingly oriented towards disciplinary didactics.

This Postgraduate in Teaching/Learning in English as a foreign language for teachers of Basic General Education is oriented to the deepening of updated methodological contents necessary to optimize the teaching/learning processes in the Curricular Subsector of Foreign Language. The proposed innovations are operationalized in the following lines of action:

  • Approach that promotes the critical linkage of the teaching/learning of the foreign language with its cultural dimension, the transversal objectives, and with other subjects of the school curriculum.
  • Incorporation of a strategic and interactive approach for the teaching-learning process of English as a foreign language.
  • Creation of opportunities for teachers to become agents of change, appropriate updated and innovative methodological models, establish meaningful relationships with other subjects and promote critical, creative and autonomous learning attitudes.


General objective

Participants will be able to select the strategies, methodologies, and activities that respond to the needs of their students and the curricular requirements of the Chilean educational system, to optimize their pedagogical practices and promote the learning of English as a foreign language in students.


Specific objectives

At the end of the postgraduate course, participants must be able to:

  • Analyze the variables of the classroom context and the educational community and propose designs for teaching/learning the English language.
  • Select, adapt and organize the contents, strategies, and activities that lead to the expected learnings (educational technology, corpus, theory, and practice in the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language).
  • Analyze and design evaluation instruments for learning according to the proposed objectives.
  • Select, analyze and adapt didactic materials and textbooks.
  • Develop in themselves and in their students’ cognitive skills and strategies that foster critical thinking.
  • Appropriate and critically apply in their classroom practice the pedagogical knowledge proposed in the Chilean curricular framework.
  • Demonstrate C1 (Advanced) level of English language proficiency, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. (

Study plan





The program is developed through a post-method socio-constructivist methodology; the didactic procedures to be executed include activities centered on the teacher, the student, and the interaction of both. According to the characteristics of the course group, some of the following strategies will be privileged:

  • Group discussions, reflections.
  • Individual and group presentations.
  • Simulations, peer observation, and micro-classes.
  • Use of technological resources.
  • Action research project.
  • Expository classes of the teacher.
  • Reading of specialized texts.
  • Directed critical readings.
  • Analysis of the topics covered.
  • Oral presentations.
  • Round tables.

Admission requirements

Be in possession of:

  • Degree of Teacher of Basic General Education or equivalent.
  • Degree of High School Teacher or equivalent.
  • Degree of Special Education Teacher or equivalent.
  • Degree of Psychopedagogue or equivalent.

Final evaluation criteria for participants

The evaluation plan for each subject includes the application of various strategies and instruments whose focus will be authentic evaluation, through which it is sought that students identify the ways in which the evaluation of learning can be applied, with the purpose that they are able to incorporate them into their own practices in the classroom. In addition, it is sought that they understand, through practice itself, the new evaluative approaches for the 21st century and the knowledge society.

The evaluative methods consider:

  • Diagnostic evaluation.
  • Plenary discussion activities.
  • Oral presentations and oral or written reports.
  • Summative and formative evaluations.
  • Group workshops and discussion panels.
  • Individual works.
  • Self-evaluation.

To approve the Postgraduate Program, it is required to have met these requirements:

  • Having had an attendance equal to or greater than 75% of the total face-to-face hours that the Postgraduate considers.
  • Having obtained a final grade equal to or greater than 4.0 in each of the modules.

Duration of the project

3 semesters of 15 weeks each.

Pedagogical hours

The program has a total of 800 hours (720 face-to-face and 80 autonomous work).

Place and schedule

Monday to Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

University campus

In the premises of the Facultad de Humanidades, located at Avda. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 3363, Estación Central.


Academic body

Mg. Víctor Prades Palomera - Project Manager

Bachelor of Education in English and State Teacher in English from the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Postgraduate Diploma (TESOL) from the Universidad de Southampton (England). Master in English Linguistics, mention Learning Theories from the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Diploma of Mentor Trainer (Mineduc, Chile). He has extensive experience as a university professor in the public and private system, and previously served as Deputy Director of the Escuela de Bachillerato (USACH). He is a Full-Time Academic in the English Pedagogy program (USACH). He is a prominent methodologist in Teaching/Learning of English as a Foreign Language at the national level. He is currently the Vice-Dean of Teaching of the Facultad de Humanidades of the Universidad de Santiago.

Dr. Miriam Cid Uribe

State Professor of English from the Universidad de Chile. Master of Arts in English Language and Cultural Tradition (University of Sheffield, England). Ph.D. in Linguistics and Phonetics (University of Leeds, England). She has extensive experience in undergraduate and postgraduate university teaching at the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and currently at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. She has a long career as a researcher and evaluator in the research area (Conicyt, Chile). She is a Full-Time Academic in the English Pedagogy program at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. She is a prominent researcher and professor in Phonetics and Phonology at the national level.

Dr. Ana María Franquesa Strugo

Professor of English and Master in Letters, mention Applied Linguistics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She is a Doctor in American Studies, mention Thought and Culture (IDEA – USACH). She has extensive experience in university teaching at the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (UTEM), Universidad San Sebastián and currently at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Full-Time Academic in the English Pedagogy program at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. She is currently the head of the English Pedagogy career. At the national level, she stands out in her role as a researcher and professor of Literature in initial teacher training programs. Also noteworthy is her participation in the board of SONAPLES - Chile.

Program fee

To be confirmed


Project Manager

Prof. Víctor Prades Palomera