
The Department of Linguistics and Literature is one of the largest departments in the Faculty of Humanities. It is composed of approximately 800 undergraduate and postgraduate students, 16 staff people, 208 adjunct instructors, and 27 professors. Our community is constantly enriched by the exchanges of ideas, visions, and knowledge that emerge from our teaching, research, and community engagement. Currently, we offer three undergraduate programmes: Spanish teaching training programme, English teaching training programme, and Translation studies programme. At postgraduate level, our department offers an MA in Linguistics and MA in Chilean and Latin American Literature. All our programmes are accredited by the National Accreditation Commission of Chile (CNA in Spanish) and are in a permanent process of improvement and updating.
The research carried out by our community members has systematically contributed to the positioning and consolidation of our faculty and our university, in both national and international rankings. The various projects led by our professors and lecturers make a significant contribution to knowledge, which is evidenced in the lectures, essays, book chapters, books, and academic articles in indexed journals produced in our community.
The impact of our department is not only measured by its teaching and advanced research, but also by the amount of outreach activities, whereby we generate instances of meaningful dialogue with our graduates, schools, organisations, associations, foundations, and institutions. Thus, the Department of Linguistics and Literature offers concrete solutions to problems of our society today. In addition, it provides a large number of services to the rest of the university, namely course units in English, Spanish, and other languages.
We strive to be a community that promotes changes, respecting diversity, multiculturalism, and tolerance. We wish to lead all our academic and administrative work towards excellence in all its dimensions. We aspire to become a national and international referent. We are also deeply committed to our social responsibility and the development of our country.