Interview with Professor Jorge Ferrada, Pedagogy in Spanish lecturer
Pedagogy in Spanish:
The importance of change and evolution in our pegagogic approaches
Proffessor Jorge Ferrada, member of the Pedagogy in Spanish Committee and Spanish Literature lecturer, tells us about the influence of students on the creation of the curricular profile.
By Belén Fuentes | 03 December 2021
15 years ago, Jorge Ferrada enrolled in the Universidad de Santiago as part of the methodologic group dedicated to the creation of advanced courses, where they oriented students through the insertion process during their internships. He later joined the Pedagogy in Spanish program as part of the literature team.
At the same time, he plays an important role as representative of adjunct instructors at USACH, ensuring a direct connection between the Faculty of Humanities and the program.
His line of work is dedicated to the origins of Spanish Literature and its issues, relating them to the current situation in Latin American and, particularly, Chile. According to the Professor, it is critical to understand how every way of writing is conceived and how language-related phenomena can tell us about cultural expressions and even language itself.
Additionally, he is confident that the program is constantly evolving and has been able to orientate its academic work towards the newest cultural needs from both national and international levels. He is certain that, due to the cooperation and connection with graduates (A project called “Aula Conectada”), they could modify and provide feedback to the curriculum based on their experience, giving rise to a new turning point for the student profile and the pedagogic line:
“The students themselves have produced changes in the program by realizing the necessities of the professional field, where social and practical capabilities are even more relevant than disciplinary knowledge”.
Finally, he emphasizes the strengths of the training program, stating that the students from the Pedagogy in Spanish programs expect and commit themselves to make things better, contribute to society and bring different points of view to current problems, stressing that “this is the underlying essence of the program”.