Professional Initiation Program in Scientific Projects

Professional Initiation Program in Scientific Projects

Led by Adolfo M. García, Edinson Muñoz and Néstor Singer

Program Mission
Since 2022, the PIIECC has instituted the Professional Initiation Program in Scientific Projects, aimed at offering professional training opportunities in various areas of scientific work relevant to students of the Department of Linguistics and Literature of FAHU-USACH. The program promotes the insertion of advanced students of the Department’s careers into concrete scientific projects that provide experience, expert feedback, and substantial rewards for the strengthening of their curricular and professional backgrounds. Three lines of insertion are proposed in the program:

1. Translation and editing practices of scientific texts

This line involves the translation and editing (formal and stylistic) of various texts produced by scientists in the regional field. Ad hoc work deadlines and modalities are established, and expert feedback is offered on the performance of the students, with the possibility of compensation or publication of the material generated in scientific journals.

2. Initial research practices

This line offers training spaces and performance in high-impact research projects that have the leadership or participation of PIIECC researchers. The tasks range from the collection, tabulation, and curation of data to the analysis of the same and the construction of original scientific manuscripts. Guidance is also offered in tasks of literature review and scientific dissemination.

3. Undergraduate thesis on language and cognition

This line offers the possibility for students of the Department of Linguistics and Literature to carry out their undergraduate thesis on a topic related to the research lines of the PIIECC and under the tutelage of one of its members.
Opportunities generated to date
To date, the Program has already provided opportunities such as the following:

A. Paid job positions within the framework of FONDECYT Regular projects.

B. Training in protocols for the acquisition of linguistic and neuroscientific data.

C. Training and participation in the editing of international books.

D. Spaces for the translation of research projects, books, and scientific articles.

E. Scholarships and tutoring for students who have developed undergraduate theses with topics related to the research lines of the PIIECC.

To participate in the program or make inquiries, write to: